Saturday, 3 June 2017

Days 29 & 30 : Heading Home!

Saturday 11th March, 2017

Thursday 9th was our last day in Tahiti. We had another wander around the Papeete in the morning, and in the afternoon did an Around the Island Tour which was great. Now it’s night, and the view from our Papeete window is just lights on boats; no clouds, no sunset, no ferries …

We caught a 2 AM plane to Auckland and arrived there at 6 AM on Saturday. Friday was a brief affair! Sydney and Hobart then followed later on Saturday.

The flight home turned out to be totally uneventful, just the way they should be! Once we left Tahiti navigating queues were much quicker as typical NZ and Australian efficiency took over. I was surprised Australian customs were not in the least bit interested in our having been meandering amongst penguin poo! Why did we even bother declaring that?

= = = = = = = = = = =

Since coming home I have completed various entries, and now changed the publication dates of the posts so that you can read them more or less in chronological order! I’ve also added the various labels (Antarctica, Easter Island, Ecocamp, Patagonia, Tahiti) that you see as tabs below the title of the blog. Select one of these and you’ll see only the so-labelled entries.

In due course I might write a final entry on reflections of the trip, written with the advantage of a month or two of hindsight!

Meanwhile, enjoy …